Monday, December 27, 2010

Not Cool...

I'm currently having a bad headache
which i totally no idea why..
It just decided to pay me a visit...
It's a suffering!!!!

Yes yes, headache....
I can take panadol and straight to nap...
but you see, I don't want to swallow anymore of that pills
if the pain is I decided to just straight go to sleep...
Apparently, sleep is not on my side today...
I've been turning left right, right left, and left right again for more than 30mins...
And I'm still wide awake..neither is the pain gone....

So, I decided to go blog hopping...and eventually
I'm back at my own blog....
Only to found out that pictures in certain posts are missing!!!
Missing!!!! Don't ask me how it happened....
As if i would know... ppft....
So missing pictures = incomplete post = I don't like it!!!!
Oh bother...
now is definitely not the right time to re-post the pictures...
And I'm currently having a bad headache thank you very much... much for the new outlook of the blog...